Mixed feelings

Mixed feelings

This is a hard post to write – the Sea Stewarts are about to become the Land Stewarts for a while! As you can probably tell from our recent posts, we’re loving being in Hervey Bay. We have close family here, plus there’s a wonderful…

s/v Iron Will is FOR SALE

s/v Iron Will is FOR SALE

  2001 Steel Centre Cockpit Cutter-Rigged ketch 44′ LOD * 50′ LOA * 26GT   WHAT WE LOVE about this boat … top of our list when WE were buying was a strong, safe steel boat with an integral keel to keep our family safe;…

Update: Life Ashore

Update: Life Ashore

It’s now January 2021, and we’ve been living ashore since 2018.  We had 9 wonderful months living aboard, and made fabulous memories. We were both happy and sad to find a buyer very quickly for our wonderful Iron Will. We weren’t sure how the transition…