Things I never thought I’d say

Things I never thought I’d say

When you start living aboard a boat, your whole idea of “essential comforts” is thrown out the window.  (Well, unless you’re loaded and can buy a whopping great gin-palace, complete with a crew in white uniforms). For most cruisers, especially those of us at the…

Island time

Island time

We’ve done it! We’ve cracked a week at sea! Well, when I say at sea, I actually mean pottering around the delightful Whitsundays. But the point is; we haven’t had to go back into port to get anything fixed, which is a first for us.…

Reasons to be cheerful: One, two, three

Reasons to be cheerful: One, two, three

We’ve had the BEST week.  It’s not been without its challenges; but overall I think we’re winning. REASON ONE:  We have sails! They go up! They come down! They make the boat move!  This is so exciting for us.  We’ve been working on the sails…

Mackay to Gladstone: fair weather and new friends

Mackay to Gladstone: fair weather and new friends

I was nervous about leaving Mackay. We’d had our asses so comprehensively whupped coming into Mackay and the bad weather had persisted for nearly 10 days. We hunkered down in Mackay Marina and waited for it to blow through. The weather was looking good for…