Boat Puzzles (or Getting Ahead)

Boat Puzzles (or Getting Ahead)

Life on board can be cramped, uncomfortable and inconvenient.  Despite this, I still LOVE it.  To be fair, we’ve only been on board Iron Will a few weeks, but over the years I’ve lived on many boats full time while employed as crew in various…

Finally – we’re cruisers!

Finally – we’re cruisers!

It’s an overcast grey morning and we’re anchored in a bay, surrounded by scrubby low land. There are a few other boats dotted around at anchor in the bay. We arrived yesterday, after finally, finally leaving our “home” berth in the marina and saying “adieu”…

The Never-Ending Story

The Never-Ending Story

I thought we’d left “To Do” lists behind in our land-based, 9-5 jobs. Nope. Boats have to be the WORST for generating endless lists of Stuff To Do. We generally have a few on the go; Matt’s To Do List, Bel’s To Do List, Things…

Things I never thought I’d say

Things I never thought I’d say

When you start living aboard a boat, your whole idea of “essential comforts” is thrown out the window.  (Well, unless you’re loaded and can buy a whopping great gin-palace, complete with a crew in white uniforms). For most cruisers, especially those of us at the…