Warts and all

Warts and all

Our boat is not flash.  Words you could use to describe Iron Will: sturdy, seaworthy, solid.  We bought her because a) she has great lines, b) she’s built to last and c) she was the right price. She’s also distinctive looking – in a marina…

*Do* pay the Ferryman? Re-stepping the mast

*Do* pay the Ferryman? Re-stepping the mast

Today is an exciting day for us:  the main mast is going back on the boat. For a while now we’ve been having repairs done to all the rigging and the main mast.  The team over at Marlin Marline have done an amazing job over…

The Never-Ending Story

The Never-Ending Story

I thought we’d left “To Do” lists behind in our land-based, 9-5 jobs. Nope. Boats have to be the WORST for generating endless lists of Stuff To Do. We generally have a few on the go; Matt’s To Do List, Bel’s To Do List, Things…

Reasons to be cheerful: One, two, three

Reasons to be cheerful: One, two, three

We’ve had the BEST week.  It’s not been without its challenges; but overall I think we’re winning. REASON ONE:  We have sails! They go up! They come down! They make the boat move!  This is so exciting for us.  We’ve been working on the sails…